Please note that this post has not been created by the Dutch VACC staff. I decided to create this to prevent some confusion while awaiting the official announcement
Starting from AIRAC 2413 [2024-12-26], the Dutch VACC has made some changes on how 'Amsterdam Radar' [EHAA_CTR] is being staffed. It has been quite busy in the EHAA FIR lately, and we want to provide better service to inbound and outbound traffic.
The old situation
Previously, the first position to open up is EHAA_W_CTR. When no other EHAA positions where online, this position is responsible for the whole EHAA FIR [GND - FL245], and the Maastricht Delta Sector [FL245 - FL660].
It seems that even during regular evenings, it has become too busy to handle overflights in the Maastricht Delta Sector. This is especially the case when there's no Schiphol Approach controller online. In practice, when we don't need to speak to an overflight (no next sector), we just leave them on UNICOM.
During events where we open up EHAA_W_CTR, and EHAA_E_CTR, the Delta sector is evenly split thanks to the old 'Flevo sector'. This was IRL located in the east of the FIR, while Delta is located in the west.
For reference, here is a list of the positions before AIRAC 2413:
- EHAA_W_CTR [125.750] *
- EHAA_E_CTR [124.880]
- EHAA_S_CTR [123.880]
- EHAA_H_CTR [118.805] **
- EHAA_I_CTR [124.300] ***
- EDYY_D_CTR [135.960] ****
* Primary position. When no other controllers are online, this position is responsible for the whole EHAA FIR, and the Maastricht Delta sector.
** Position we may open up when holdings are active.
*** Callsign 'Amsterdam Info', only responsible for providing 'Flight Information Service' to VFR traffic.
**** Callsign 'Maastricht Radar', responsible for the Maastricht Delta sector.
The new situation
Starting from AIRAC 2413 [2024-12-26], two new positions have been introduced:
EHAA_LOW_CTR [125.750]
This position now only covers the EHAA FIR from the ground up to FL245, excluding the Maastricht Delta sector.
EHAA_ALL_CTR [134.375]
This position covers the whole EHAA FIR, including the Maastricht Delta sector.
The rest of the sectors
- EHAA_E_CTR [124.880] - covering the eastern part [S1 + S2] of the FIR, up to FL245
- EHAA_S_CTR [123.880] - covering the southern part [S3] of the FIR, up to FL245
- EHAA_W_CTR [123.705] - covering the western part [S4 + S5] of the FIR, up to FL245
- EHAA_H_CTR [118.805] - position we may open up when holdings are active
- EHAA_I_CTR [124.300] - callsign 'Amsterdam Info', only responsible for providing 'Flight Information Service' to VFR traffic
- EDYY_D_CTR [135.960] - callsign 'Maastricht Radar', responsible for the Maastricht Delta sector
Event examples
For events, we can now better decide which sectors to open up, and prevent one controller being overloaded with traffic.
Here are some examples on what we could do based on some earlier events:
- Balkan Dutch Gateway:
- EHAA_E_CTR [124.880] - covering the eastern part [S1 + S2] of the FIR, up to FL245
- EHAA_ALL_CTR [134.375] - covering the rest of the FIR that's not covered [S3 + S4 + S5], and the Maastricht Delta sector [FL245 - FL660]
- Cross the Pond Eastbound:
- EHAA_W_CTR [123.705] - covering the western part [S4 + S5] of the FIR, up to FL245
- EHAA_LOW_CTR [125.750] - covering the rest of the FIR that's not covered [S1 + S2]
- EDYY_D_CTR [135.960] - covering the Maastricht Delta sector [FL245 - FL660]